Wednesday, January 17, 2024

reading schedule

 how to read the bible in 1 year

JAN                     Genesis Joshua & Judges

FEB                     Philemon,  Ezekiel, Corinthians 1&2

MAR                   Nahum, Ester, Exodus, Leviticus, John, Micah, Lamentations, 1 John 1,2,3

APR                    Acts, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Amos, Habukkah

MAY                   Galations, Romans, Psalms, Proverbs

JUN                     Ruth, Jude, Jeremiah, Joel, Jonah

JUL                     Isaiah, Colossians, Phillippians, Luke, Job

AUG                   James, Revelation, SOS, EcC, Ezra, Ephesians

Sept                     1 & 2 Thess  1 &2 timothy, 1 &2 kings  titus

OCT                     1 & 2 chronicles, Daniel,  Matthew, Obadiah, Malachi

NOV                     1 & 2 Sam,  Mark, Zephaniah, Zechariah

DEC                      Hebrews, Hosea,Nehemiah, Haggai,1 & 2 peter

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