Tuesday, December 3, 2024

new earth

In the Bible, the New Jerusalem is the capital of the New Earth, which is part of heaven, and it's where people will work and live:

The Bible says that people will work in the New Earth, and that work will be enjoyable and satisfying. The curse from Genesis 3 will be lifted, and work will be returned to its Edenic perfection.

The New Jerusalem will be a place of peace and justice, where the strong and weak will sit together at the table of fellowship. There will be no more suffering, pain, or death.

The bodies that suffered on earth will be raised and live without suffering on the New Earth.

Here are some Bible verses that describe the New Jerusalem and the New Earth:
Revelation 21:1–5
Describes the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, and God wiping away every tear from people's eyes

Revelation 21:4
Jesus says he will wipe away the tears from every eye, and there will be no more suffering, pain, or death

Revelation 22:3
Says that there will be no more anything accursed, and that God's servants will serve him

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