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Monday, February 11, 2013

ezek 34.29 will raise up plant of renown

ezk 20.41 i accept your sweet savor
matt 12.20 smoking flax he will not quence
josh 13.14 sacrfices by fire are inheritance
ezek 34.29 will raise up plant of renown
pslam 104.14  herb for the service of man
romans 14 23, eatteth herb  
phillipians 4.18
nahum 2.1 keep munitions
coll 2 20,21  not subject to do not touch ordinances
zech 9.17 corn to make men cheerful
luke 11.42 tithe all manner of herbs
ps 141.5 excellent oil
daniel 1.12 give us pulse to eat
isaia 1.29 you will be ASHAMED of the Gardens ye have chosen
jer 8.22 no balm
gen 3.18 eat the herb of the field
Job trouble does not spring out of the ground
proverbs 15.17 dinner of herbs
1 corin 1.28
ps 23.2 lie down in GREEN pastures
pslam 22.20 drug war
pslam 49.2 both low and high
ps 78.35 the high god their redeemer
i sam 10.5 company of prophets with a pipe
 Hebrews 6.7:For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

romans 12.16 mind not high things
amos 6.6 chief ointment
ez 24.6 pot with scum in it

CURSE..everybody hung on a tree is a curse

Galatians 3:13

Deuteronomy 21:23

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