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Monday, September 17, 2018

gen 44.32 servant became surety for the land

banks (daniel 12.5
acts 12.11  peter ,,,,,,now i know of a surety that the lord sent his angel
ecc 2.21 labor in inequality
gen 15.13 he said to abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger
ps 78.11 eternal life
gen 26.9 behold of a surety she is thy wife
heb 7.22 jesus made a surety
gen 43.9 i will be a surety for him

parts of a contract....offer, acceptance,  consideration (something of value) and competant parties

ps 61.5 heritage
gen 44.32 servant became surety for the land 
heb 7.22 jesus made a surety of a better testament
 ps  30.2 thou has given me the heritage of those who fear thy name
gen 18.13 child trafficking
ps 119.122 be surety for they servant for GOOD
ps 16.5 goodly heritage
2 kings 14.6 bail bonds
job 17.3 put me in a surety with thee

daniel 8.25 insurance
proverbs 20.16 take his garment that is surety for a stranger
habakkuak 1.16  1.17 sacrifice unto their net

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