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Monday, September 17, 2018

gal 2.3 neither was titus compelled to be circumcised (after hearing the truth)

gal 5.2  if you circumcise  christ will profit you nothing
gal 6.13 they brag you their disciples  (when you supposed to be christs disciples)
gal 5.3  are debots to do WHOLE LAW  (cant eat bacon)

romans 4.12 abraham called in UNCIRCUMCISION

heb 8.9 not according to OLD covenant
heb 10.9  taketh away the first so he may establish the second

romans 2.26  uncirumcised keeps righteousness, his uncircumcison is counted for circumcision

col 2.13 uncircumcised are quicked
col 2.10 2.11 circumcision w.o hands

john 7.22  circumsion is NOT of MOSES

cor 7.18 let him NOT be circumcumised

gal 2.3 neither was titus compelled to be circumcised (after hearing the truth)
gal 5.12 i wish they would mutilate themselves
gal 3.10 cursed if you think the works can save you
2 cori 7.19 circumcision is nothing, you abused your kids for nothing


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