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Friday, September 7, 2018

---- do not resuscitate MY OBIT - will

todays date is  5/20/2022 im still alive still suffering might go to jail and die there...  scared so im writing my own obituary 

i dont want to die, but i might die. 
i am in an eternal life covenant but eternal suffering ???
 i cant live like this anymore

JOB WAS INNOCENT and he suffered,,,,as a victim of the deviles wiles 
not everybody who suffers is guilty
Jesus was innocent and suffered greatly

                                    MY OBIT

Isaiah 57.1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart:
and merciful men are taken away,
none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.

 AMY ZURAWSKI CRAGLE KUSH - Born JAN 31 1975      -       DIED ____________
cause of death ______________________ well im still living right now   
but if im dead....it would be bacterial infection, after misdiagnosis

Born in Edwardsville, Died in Edwardsville
Highest Rank achieved in the USMC was  E3, lance corporal

 preceded in death her boyfriend  Anthony Sailer, of Quakertown, PA.  who died in 1997, when they were 22., car accident,  (he died when his truck hit a tree in middle of the afternoon in perkasie, east rockhill township. amy was not in car,  he was headed to the log cabin to stay for a minute to care for his dads animals even a goat,, while dad did 3 months for a dui )

preceded in death by 26 year old step daughter felicia cragle,  OD  

and preceded in death by her 71 year old mother , diane zurawski Hospital Mistake
(her normally high bp was low,  er refused to treat her until her bp was up they shot her up with something to bring it up....and it she died, they paddled her

and preceded in death by 95 year old maternal grandma  irene santwan  who  died of covid post vax

and preceded in death by her great uncle, like a grandfather,  ZIGMUND YABLONSKI

and preceded in death by two  dead cats, california a tortiose shell and stinky  an orange tabby both died of vaccine damage

Living remain,  
her baby dad,  STEPHEN KUSH
her brother and his wife BRIAN & Alision  ZURAWSKI 
and many friends

you shoulda helped her when she was alive, dont send money now
please share her website  WhereScienceMeetsReligion.blogspot.com


job told ya, that those physicians were worthless
doctors do not have my health care power of attorney
they cannot force their opinion on my body
nor can they deny my opinion about my choice medicine

i could probably use some peniciillin g right now
but im not willing to give my blood to get, the doctors opinion to get the rx

its so sad that somebodys blood has to be shed to get medicine in this socialist place i live
its not supposed to be this way

if this is legimately one of the last posts of my life what do i say?
 do not sell  or DONATE my organs 
give it a few days, see if i resurrect

if im dead i died homeless, well, i was homeless for 18 months after the sherrif threw me out because moms cannot own property in this socialist place 

but im not on the street on the street...i did get a rental unit.... ive not even been here a year yet the place is infested with animals and bugs.  i cant recover. although i tried really hard

i spent $8000 on medicines and doctors. but i was misdiagnosed, or maybe it shoulda been dual dx
, i spent alot of money treating the wrong thing

 if i am  dead.... know that i died and alone, and single and,  in a strange land of socialism
where the natives believe children (which we are all children)  have NO rights\
where the natives want  to reduce population and are killing their children with vaccines
where the natives mutilate the genitals of their baby boys,  not even in a 8th day covenant
where the natives are engaged in a treasonous drug war amongst themselves, oppressing one another from choice

if im dead, 
it wasnt an OD and it wasnt suicide
its was probably bacterials
worms ate me, bugs, something a spiral bacteria bore holes in my legs, they said it was  laundry deteregent...or scabies..or mrsa...  they were all

i did the best i could without a firearm
or having to fight  a doctor for medicine based on my choice and my opinion

my intent is not to stay dead. but idk

i was homeless when i got sick.

couch surfing is dangerous

i was homeless from aug 19, 2019 until april 2021 where i secured an apartment which i can barely afford because of all the medicine and it was the wrong kind...nobody helped me on line, though i begged  for help

if i am dead, these are the people who did help me with shelter or food or money

william yeager
carl guili*
john michael kalinas
my baby  daddy stephen kush
my dad  robert zurawski
judson withom
marcus yerashunas
Treavors yates
Andy ostrowski
Thomas O'Leary
Brian Williams 

*After nearly 2 years of me telling Carl I was sick. Carl blocked me when he finally came to believe it.

IMO the title BABY DADDY..IS WAY WAY BETTER sounding....than EX
, hes my baby daddy for life


i died hardcore ptsd from the abuse from babydaddy and  the sherrif who works for bank of america  not people....who says moms cannot own property here. and if i wanted  to continue to live inside, i had to stop being a mom with child all day,...and go do something else. 
imo. childcare is a legit job and im entitled to equal pay for equal work
cannot deny me cause of sex... cause i had sex 

i died in sheer horror...that none of my family gave me a key to their house when i was homeless
and that nobody came to fight the bad guys with me
and the bad guys are so bad they didnt fight fair, they locked me up early then locked me out of my house.
i am deeply hurt that nobody helped me, even when i asked for help from family
i am not an addict and never asked anybody for anything  until i became homeless and sick

my grandmother wanted to leave all her grand kids 5g but my her son jimmy santewan stole it all 
i got nothing


next of kin  as unmarried...would be my dad robert yet   i leave everything to my son, israel titus octavius kush

theres a will in the safety deposit box at the bank. , but its not valid
it leaves stuff to felicia who is now dead

im dying single...and no life insurance. the death benefit for ss is $225
i do not want to be creamated i have no plot, DO NOT NARCAN ME.
i dont know what to tell ya 

my HEIR -----------my first born, my only born 
i had him at age 39
today i am 47 the year is 2022

if i die   today 

i died single, sad, scared  and abused

i do not want to live where the bailbondsman  kills the baileess anyway


D.A.'s office says bail bondsman was justified in February shooting

MOURN for yourselves not me, you didnt give a fuck while i was alive. ive been asking for help

help my baby dad steve if you can


i did the best i could to save my house and  for the rights of MOMS
i filed a federal civil rights complaint to address to the oppression of moms by nazi socialists
i called the military, told the cops, published online and reached out to help lines. filed complaints
i have a grand jury forming we are indiciting the bad people, the vaxxesrs the circumcizers
you cannot tattoo or pierce your children 

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