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Monday, October 22, 2018

matt 5.25 agree with your adversary quickly

matt 5.25 agree with your adversary quickly
ester 3.13  biblical holocaust

josh 2.1 sent spies
matt 5.25 agree with your adversary quickly
ps 83.9  do unto the midianties as to Sisera, to Jabin

isa 13.5 lords weapons of indignation to destroy the whole land

deut 23.9  when the host goeth forth against your enemy, THEN keep away from every wicked thing

ester 9.13 the jews stood for their lives and had rest

 Judeans AND Israel reuinite, choose a single head  great will be the day of Jezreel   HOSEA

ps 64.3 spiritual warfare

proverbs 20.18 with good advice Make War

Jude 1.3 Earnestly contend for the faith which was delivered to the saints

biblica enemies   ps  83   5,6,7,8

i will not be afraid   ps 3.6

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