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Monday, October 22, 2018

micah 6.8 act justly, love mercy & walk humbly with god

job 28.28 depart from evil
micah 6.8 act justly, lover mercy & walk humbly with god

present body as living sacrifice

james 5.8 be patient, stablish their hearts
1 peter 2.  19-20  endure suffering & grief

micah 6.8 act justly, love mercy & walk humbly with god

exk 20.4 cause them to know the abominations of their fathers
ezek 13.5  go up in the gaps, make a hedge for Israel to stand on

jer 1.10  we are set over kingdoms to root out, pull down,  & to destroy
THEN to build, and to  plant

exhort disciples  acts 14.22

john 8.39 jesus said if you were abrahams children, you would do the things abraham did

john 7.19  jesus said..Moses GAVE you the law, you keep it not

dont eat or drink w/ the drunken
joel 4.9  prepare for war
proverbs 25.4  take away wicked before the king

1 peter 31  lay aside malice, guile, hypocrisies, envies, and all evil speaking

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