a repository

a repository

Monday, October 22, 2018


regarding your offer of keys for cash,
seems ive recently called for the resignation and keys to some places. (keys currently held by attorneys and judges) in a kids for cash thing they running, strangers can get money to handle the kids, but mom is oppresed.
please maam, may i  ask you to extend your offer longer , perhaps
if i can secure better keys for myself and my family, which would be would be like 3 sets of keys for my 3 party family btw ....i may consider your offer,...  so im asking you to consider deferring , extending,  and revisiting this

Ideally agents like us, can work together (rather than carry out acts of war against each other but rather) work together in finding all americans the right home and end homelessness
and deal is taxes (not home prices)

maam, idk about your home, but this one is very drafty, previously flooded, isnt worth fighting over, is worth something and alot to me,  but not their pitiful offer and not their alleged debt amount from moms they refuse to honor. AND payments they refuse to honor.
i feel the $25000 i already paid
and certainly the person before me who paid x amount
and the person before them who paid x amount ......to be way sufficient.
this house is paid for.
the people who did the work long since been paid. 

The pryamid scheme is exploiting, sucking, leeching,   this isnt about a  house,the house is paid for.

Urging all Christians to work with their hands (momming and dadding counts as valid work,)  Do not try to make your living leeching off other people.  (suppositely equal to you)

kush of kingston

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