a repository

a repository

Sunday, October 21, 2018

look  we are ALL priests.    JESUS is the HIGH PRIEST  (not melchidezek)
its like a name change thing
jacob to israel
sarai to sarah

you want to visit me? in north pa, its a wonderful time of year for a drive.
we can interview each other or something.

i collect tithes here too, just saying. 
agent amy actually with a license to collect money

(unlike all the  other people collecting money for hands outs and calling it fund raising)

cc end.
do you get it?  andy and me in the catholic shool...but also bcc publick school billy on this cc message .....we were taught to sell ourselves (our times) (volunteer) (whore our selves) selling stuff in both the catholic and public schools........ for no minimum wage. .....they exploit the kids...they give them NO part in their sales (work) (candy bar sales)
we studied iniquity.  (were taught) 

bible study  kjv happening at noon
agent bill should try and visit his client soon.....cause i bought a home owners policy insurance....but the sherrif runnin loose with a funny show (fake news doctrine /may have no attorney general)  oh wait. you dont insure my home, i forgot thats allstate (me) (my last paying job in the pyramid scheme)  ill have to get to thoms email.  whatever, bible study kjv law, 1611 is read here on sundays starting at noon

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