a repository

a repository

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Received Message.  Interpreted as such, that you wont help me because you dont have sherrifs. That, you dont have Sherrifs you feel you can stop, that they are acting on their own (state power) But I am telling you Sirs, they are acting Not alone, they are obeying a professional corporation. McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, PC 123 S Broad Street, Philadelpa  (215) 790-1010 that is following an unholy law, coveting my house and there is Hired gun sale of my property tomorrow morning at 1030am.

While your defense of not helping me due to jurisdiction is not completely lucid to me, because you said you have it.  I get their might be seperation of powers, Ok, but. I AM Agent Amy of the State, Pennsylvania 499415 / 007589 national  and am seeking your Federal help

You took my $400 and Im not sure you ever tried to make them stop  or even tried to help me yet with the insurance policy (requested relief)

Situation:  Federalies dont think they can stop the Sherrifs
                Sherrifs dont think they can stop themselves
                I know I cant stop anybody, I am 105 lbs.
               But I also know, n Jesus name we CAN do this.
If between your authority and mine, we can’t control a private corporation operating within our bounds we have complete chaos. And that might have been evident to me, after the police escort I received through the Luzerne County Court House yesterday.

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