a repository

a repository

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

to disciple clinton
from  amy
1. the weapons of mass destruction have been found its vaccination

2. are you aware of the pittsburgh slaughter of jews on 10/26/2018
destroyer entered into synagog shot up the place

cause they didnt have the blood of jesus on thier doorposts ....and a riband of blue around their borders

the margins are off of this copy past,
figure it out

i remain here to reply to (serve)  all

,...brother joe, you gave it to me.. thank JESUS
a  VIP message to you is this
  if there was anything the mormoms and catholics wanted us to know with their worthless items of mockery statues/images  was quite possibly that  JESUS was  WHITE
he certainly the savior of the white color and all colors

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