a repository

a repository

Thursday, October 25, 2018


o ncfreiler
Dear Nicole,

establishing email contact for Amy Kush  vs.  Bayview et all 

amy kush

MICAH 4:8 King James Bible
And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.

Good Morning Maam,
this is just a better copy yesterdays  CC memo about an unrelated issue., theres nothing you have to do.  The good news, kingdom of the  daughter,  that us, maam.  getting first dominion!

honor mom and dad was the a command, and a command with promise  (like insurance) (money)

Regarding any debt you feel I owe your client Wilkes Barre General Hospital, the message I mentioned to the bank is the same message,  fund mom, and mom will pay any proven legal debts.

  If YOU personally believe population reduction is a good idea, you are UNFIT to make decisions  regarding the Lord Jesus’s people who have been promised life. Your resignation/submission is expected. Your cooperation is required. Keys are demanded. Your Submission to JESUS is whats important.   Me, being unsure you know the Real Jesus (not the fracitional 1/3 Jesus) has called for your resignation /need to study more before you hurt somebody else, stand down of weapons (including syringes) Jesus is not a mere 1/3 of anything.  JESUS IS GOD

Disarm pay for assaults (circumcision) and weapons of mass destruction (vaccination)
George  Bush was looking for WMD (weapons of mass destruction, knew they were somewhere)  , we found them = Vaccination

not your body not your choice,   civil rights violation / to be secure in persons (not breached)

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