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Friday, November 2, 2018

snake coming out of the stones of the Temple Mount could be seen as an auspicious sign.

snake coming out of the stones of the Temple Mount could be seen as an auspicious sign.
some prophecy


“Just as the pigeon is safe so long as it seeks shelter among the stones of the Temple Mount, the Jews are protected by the Torah commandments. (their works)
“When the pigeon comes out from the stones or the Jews move away from the Torah, they are in danger.”

It continues: “The site also claimed the appearance of a snake coming out of the stones of the Temple Mount could be seen as an auspicious sign.

the video is a SNAKE COMING OUT


conducive to success; favorable.

snake coming out sounds good to me, better than staying in 


Another commentator saw a connection between the reptilian appearance and current events, referring to a recent head-on automobile accident near the Dead Sea that killed a family of eight and the horrific murder of 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

COMING: The snake is said to herald the sign of the Messiah's return 


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