a repository

a repository

Monday, December 10, 2018

the citadel became evil adversary of Israel, ,they shed innocent blood

 They took captive the women and children, and seized the livestock. 33 Then they fortified the city of David with a great strong wall and strong towers, and it became their citadel. 34 They stationed there a sinful people, men who were renegades. These strengthened their position; 35 they stored up arms and food, and collecting the spoils of Jerusalem they stored them there, and became a great menace,
36 for the citadel[d] became an ambush against the sanctuary,
    an evil adversary of Israel at all times.
37 On every side of the sanctuary they shed innocent blood;
    they even defiled the sanctuary.
38 Because of them the residents of Jerusalem fled;
    she became a dwelling of strangers;
she became strange to her offspring,
    and her children forsook her.
39 Her sanctuary became desolate like a desert;
    her feasts were turned into mourning,
her sabbaths into a reproach,
    her honor into contempt.
40 Her dishonor now grew as great as her glory;
    her exaltation was turned into mourning.

1 mac 1   33-40

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