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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Alliances with Rome and Sparta.

3After reaching Rome, the men entered the senate chamber and said, “The high priest Jonathan and the Jewish people have sent us to renew the friendship and alliance of earlier times with them.” 4The Romans gave them letters addressed to authorities in various places, with the request to provide them with safe conduct to the land of Judah.
5This is a copy of the letter that Jonathan wrote to the Spartans:

  6“Jonathan the high priest, the senate of the nation, the priests, and the rest of the Jewish people send greetings to their brothers the Spartans. 7Long ago a letter was sent* to the high priest Onias from Arius, who then reigned over you, stating that you are our brothers, as the attached copy shows.b 8Onias welcomed the envoy with honor and received the letter, which spoke clearly of alliance and friendship. 9Though we have no need of these things, since we have for our encouragement the holy books that are in our possession,* c 10we have ventured to send word to you for the renewal of brotherhood and friendship, lest we become strangers to you; a long time has passed since you sent your message to us. 11We, on our part, have unceasingly remembered you in the sacrifices and prayers that we offer on our feasts and other appropriate days, as it is right and proper to remember brothers. 12We likewise rejoice in your renown. 13But many tribulations and many wars have beset us, and the kings around us have attacked us. 14We did not wish to be troublesome to you and to the rest of our allies and friends in these wars. 15For we have the help of Heaven for our support, and we have been saved from our enemies, and our enemies have been humbled. 16

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