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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Demetrius to Jonathan: ". I will greatly honor you & your nation when I find opportunity

Demetrius, in turn, sent this word to Jonathan: “I will do not only this for you and your nation, but I will greatly honor you and your nation when I find the opportunity. 43Now, therefore, you will do well to send men to fight for me, because all my troops have revolted.”
44So Jonathan sent three thousand good fighting men to him at Antioch. When they came to the king, he was delighted over their arrival. 45The populace, one hundred and twenty thousand strong, massed in the center of the city in an attempt to kill the king. 46So the king took refuge in the palace, while the populace gained control of the main streets of the city and prepared for battle. 47Then the king called the Jewish force to his aid. They all rallied around him and spread out through the city. On that day they killed about a hundred thousand in the city. 48At the same time, they set the city on fire and took much spoil. Thus they saved the king. 49When the populace saw that the Jewish force controlled the city, they lost courage and cried out to the king in supplication, 50“Extend the hand of friendship to us, and make the Jews stop attacking us and the city.” 51So they threw down their weapons and made peace. The Jews thus gained honor in the eyes of the king and all his subjects, and they became renowned throughout his kingdom. Finally they returned to Jerusalem with much plunder.
52But when King Demetrius was sure of his royal throne, and the land was peaceful under his rule, 53he broke all his promises and became estranged from Jonathan. Instead of repaying Jonathan for all the favors he had received from him, he caused him much distress. 

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