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Friday, January 4, 2019

IF your workplace encourages the flushot, and your now sick...APPLY FOR WORKMANS COMP. thats a workplace injury.

Amy Z i

11:03 AM (6 minutes ago)

to lgelb

Good morning friends,am here to ask if together we can join hands and support these orphans without a father or mother with a gift of any amount for their meals,lunch and supper,they may not be lucky enough to have gifts,ice cream or go for cinema as our kids,but we can give them a reason to smile for future,your gift of any amount will go along way to help,anything matters, is their,we can thank God for the blessings he has given us,for the protection,for the battles he has fought and won for us this year by making a love donation and seed towards this orphanage and kids who will never pay us back but only God will,please dear friends we need your help we have no food at the orphanage home anything from you we shall appreciate in Christ.am Makoyee James

Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to…
  • Amy Kush
    Amy Kush (words i never want to hear: /////money for kids/////////..we need to establish a society where nobody ever has to say those words.  (unless they are legimatley selling them) those words are triggers (in a community, that was rocked by a kids for cash skankdal..............https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal

IF your workplace encourages the flushot, and your now sick...APPLY FOR WORKMANS COMP. thats a workplace injury.
19 hrs ·
Wanna here a joke about a trinity,??? A doctor,a lawyer and a priest all walk into a country with fake news.

The slothful are under tribute. The righteous are under the tithe (the dish out/  collect / tithe up)


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