a repository

a repository

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

ive spent 4 out of the last 6 months in facebook jail

ive spent 4 out of the last 6 months in facebook jail

have you talked to her?
is she alive?
hello, i mean
when did you last hear from her?
i know its been cold, and she forget her gloves here.....but she didnt show up for a party on monday..OR the meeting on tuesday
she hasnt missed a tuesday meeting in a long time
you telling me, about subs.....does that mean you and her were shooting up something.? look..i am totaly with your body, your choice.....but not when it comes to sin...poking holes in yourself is wrong and you are not allowed to that
its a syringe crises we have really..
true or false?  every round of fakebook jail, racking up reimbursement due to violation of rights/....true or false?

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