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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

     hypothetical situation. theres 10 people in a room. 8 of them them are not christian....1 is a child......the last is a christian adult...............if the 8 heathen are hurting the child...........what would you, the christian adult do?

    • Amy Kush if your answer is play video games and rest, id say think again
    • Amy Kush if your answer is, go to work make money, id say think again
      • Amy Kush if your answer is have some beer and forget about, id say think again
        • Amy Kush grabbing your gun is something more closer to what a christian might do, true or false
          • Samuel Martin False the world is a (KRAZY) enough place with out having Guns😱😱
            • Amy Kush if your answer is go to bingo, hiking or invest in band aids, think again

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