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Friday, June 14, 2019

1 peter 5.10 after ye suffer a while, make you perfect

heb 10.32 great fight of afflictions after being illuminated
2 tim 1.18 endure afflictions
2 time 4.5 endure afflictions
1 thee 15   14-23  received word in much afflictions
isa 48.10  furnance of afflictions
2 thee 1.5 suffer for the kingsdom
1 peter 5.10  after ye suffer a while,  make you perfect
1 peter 5 witness to suffering
2 corin 4.17 light affliction for a moment worketh more exceeding eternal glory
1 thes 3.3 appointed to afflictions

james as an example as suffering afflictions

ps 119.17  it is good for me that i have been afflicted, that i might learn thy statutes

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