a repository

a repository

Monday, June 24, 2019

Peter said - let us make 3 tabernacles, for JESUS, moses & elias

    3 john
       Matthew 17:4   Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias
    (amos) for the TRINITY transgression of Damascus, I will send FIRE into house of Hazael, destroying the palaces of Ben-hadad,. I will break the bar of damascus,..and cut off him that holdeth the scepter of the house of Eden

    • Amy Kush for the TRINITY transgression of Gaza, i will send fire on the wall of gaza, and cut off him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon,

  • Amy Kush for the TRINITY transgression of Edom, (& because he chased his brother with a sword) i will send fire upon teman, devouring palaces of bozrah
    • Kush for the TRINITY transgression of the children of Ammon, i will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah (with shouting, tempest & a whirlwind)

      • Amy Kush for the TRINITY transgression of Moab, i will send fire upon moab, devouring the palances of kirioth

        • Amy Kush for the TRINITY transgression of Judah, because they despised the law, I will send fire upon Judah devouring the palaces of Jerusalem

          • Amy Kush for the TRINITY transgression of Israel, and because they sold the righteous for silver (and all this other stuff they did) ......FLIGHT shall Perish from them

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