a repository

a repository

Monday, July 1, 2019

terribly and swiftly he shall come against you, because severe judgment awaits the exalted

Hear, therefore, kings, and understand;a
learn, you magistrates* of the earth’s expanse!

2Give ear, you who have power over multitudes
and lord it over throngs of peoples!

3Because authority was given you by the Lord
and sovereignty by the Most High,--------------------------------WISDOM 6

4Because, though you were ministers of his kingdom, you did not judge rightly,
and did not keep the law,*
nor walk according to the will of God,
5Terribly and swiftly he shall come against you,
because severe judgment awaits the exalted—

proverbs 15.19
The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.
who shall probe your works and scrutinize your counsels!b

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