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Friday, September 9, 2016

we believe in tectonic PLATES sphere earth has tectonic bowls - Qur'an FE

Qur'an 2:149 — Earth is level
Qur'an 2:258 — Sun moves, the Earth is still
Qur'an 7:54 — Sun is not a star
Qur'an 16:15 — Mountains prevent earthquakes
Qur'an 16:45 — Earthquakes are for non-Muslims only
Qur'an 17:68 — Hurricanes and blizzards are punishment for non-Muslims only
Qur'an 18:86 — Sun sets in murky water
Qur'an 21:32 — The sky is concrete and impenetrable
Qur'an 25:45 — Female participation (ovum) completely omitted
Qur'an 29:37 — Earthquakes are for non-Muslims only
Qur'an 31:34 — Only Allah knows the gender of an unborn infant
Qur'an 35:41 — The Earth does not move
Qur'an 36:40 — Allah is ignorant of the north and south poles
Qur'an 37:10 — Shooting stars are missiles for devils
Qur'an 40:64 — The Earth does not move
Qur'an 41:12 — Earth has 7 atmospheres
Qur'an 43:11 — Allah didn’t know about the water cycle
Qur'an 45:13 — Everything in universe orbits Earth
Qur'an 54:1 — Moon was split in two
Qur'an 71:15-16 — Moon is farther away than the stars
Qur'an 71:16 — Moon emits light
Qur'an 76:13 — Cold air at night is caused by the Moon
Qur'an 81:2 — Stars are small enough to fall on us
Qur'an 88:20 — Earth is flat
Qur'an 91:1-2 — Moon and Sun orbit the Earth

 everybody knows its TECTONIC PLATES. not tectonic bowls. JOIN US for the FLAT EARTH study on NEW YEAR FOR THE SUN day.

Suggestion donation $20 $tithesaccepted

Major plates[edit]

These plates comprise the bulk of the continents and the Pacific Ocean. For purposes of this list, a major plate is any plate with an area greater than 20 million km2.

  • African Plate – A major tectonic plate underlying Africa west of the East African Rift – 61,300,000 km2
  • Antarctic Plate – Tectonic plate containing Antarctica and the surrounding ocean floor – 60,900,000 km2
  • Eurasian Plate – Tectonic plate which includes most of the continent of Eurasia – 67,800,000 km2
  • Indo-Australian Plate – A major tectonic plate formed by the fusion of the Indian and Australian plates – 58,900,000 km2 often considered two plates:
    • Australian Plate – Major tectonic plate, originally a part of the ancient continent of Gondwana – 47,000,000 km2
    • Indian Plate – A minor tectonic plate that got separated from Gondwana – 11,900,000 km2
  • North American Plate – Large tectonic plate including most of North America, Greenland and part of Siberia – 75,900,000 km2
  • Pacific Plate – Oceanic tectonic plate under the Pacific Ocean – 103,300,000 km2
  • South American Plate – Major tectonic plate which includes most of South America and a large part of the south Atlantic – 43,600,000 km2

Minor plates[edit]

These smaller plates are often not shown on major plate maps, as the majority do not comprise significant land area. For purposes of this list, a minor plate is any plate with an area less than 20 million km2 but greater than 1 million km2.

  • Somali Plate – Minor tectonic plate including the east coast of Africa and the adjoining seabed – 16,700,000 km2
  • Nazca Plate – Oceanic tectonic plate in the eas.tern Pacific Ocean basin – 15,600,000 km2[note 1]
  • Indian Plate – A minor tectonic plate that got separated from Gondwana – 11,900,000 km2
  • Amurian Plate – A minor tectonic plate in eas.tern Asia
  • Sunda Plate – A minor tectonic plate including most of Southeast Asia
  • Philippine Sea Plate – oceanic tectonic plate to the east of the Philippines – 5,500,000 km2
  • Okhotsk Plate – Minor tectonic plate in Asia
  • Arabian Plate – Minor tectonic plate – 5,000,000 km2
  • Yangtze Plate – Small tectonic plate carrying the bulk of southern China
  • Caribbean Plate – A mostly oceanic tectonic plate including part of Central America and the Caribbean Sea – 3,300,000 km2
  • Cocos Plate – young oceanic tectonic plate beneath the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of Central America – 2,900,000 km2
  • Caroline Plate – Minor oceanic tectonic plate north of New Guinea – 1,700,000 km2
  • Scotia Plate – Minor oceanic tectonic plate between the South American and Antarctic Plates – 1,600,000 km2
  • Burma Plate – Minor tectonic plate in Southeast Asia – 1,100,000 km2
  • New Hebrides Plate – Minor tectonic plate in the Pacific Ocean near Vanuatu – 1,100,000 km2


These plates are often grouped with an adjacent major plate on a major plate map. For purposes of this list, a microplate is any plate with an area less than 1 million km2. Some models identify more minor plates within current orogens (events that lead to a large structural deformation of Earth's lithosphere) like the Apulian, Explorer, Gorda, and Philippine Mobile Belt plates. There may be scientific consensus as to whether such plates should be considered distinct portions of the crust; thus, new research could change this list.[2][3][4][5]

  • African Plate
  • Antarctic Plate
  • Australian Plate
    • Capricorn Plate – Proposed minor tectonic plate under the Indian Ocean
    • Futuna Plate – Very small tectonic plate near the south Pacific island of Futuna
    • Kermadec Plate – Long, narrow tectonic plate west of the Kermadec Trench
    • Maoke Plate – Small tectonic plate in western New Guinea
    • Niuafo'ou Plate – Small tectonic plate west of Tonga
    • Tonga Plate – A small southwest Pacific tectonic plate
    • Woodlark Plate – Small tectonic plate located in the ea,,ste.rn half of the island of New Guinea
  • Caribbean Plate
    • Panama Plate – Small tectonic plate in Central America
    • Gonâve Microplate – Part of the boundary between the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate
    • South Jamaica Microplate
    • North Hispaniola Microplate
    • Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Microplate
  • Cocos Plate
    • Rivera Plate – Small tectonic plate off the west coast of Mexico
  • Eurasian Plate
    • Aegean Sea Plate, also known as Hellenic Plate – A small tectonic plate in the ea.stern Mediterranean Sea
    • Anatolian Plate – Continental tectonic plate comprising most of the Anatolia (Asia Minor) peninsula
    • Banda Sea Plate – Minor tectonic plate underlying the Banda Sea in southeast Asia
    • Iberian Plate – Small tectonic plate now part of the Eurasian plate
    • Iranian Plate – Small tectonic plate including Iran and Afghanistan, and parts of Iraq and Pakistan
    • Molucca Sea Plate – small fully subducted tectonic plate near Indonesia
      • Halmahera Plate – small tectonic plate in the Molucca Sea
      • Sangihe Plate – Microplate within the Molucca Sea Collision Zone of ea.stern Indonesia
    • Okinawa Plate – Minor tectonic plate from the northern end of Taiwan to the southern tip of Kyūshū
    • Pelso Plate – Small tectonic unit in the Pannonian Basin in Europe
    • Timor Plate – Microplate in southeast Asia carrying the island of Timor and surrounding islands
    • Tisza Plate – Tectonic microplate, in present-day Europe
  • Nazca Plate
    • Coiba Plate – A small tectonic plate off the coast south of Panama and northwestern Colombia
    • Malpelo Plate – A small tectonic plate off the coast west of Ecuador and Colombia
  • North American Plate
    • Queen Elizabeth Islands Subplate – Small tectonic plate containing the Queen Elizabeth Islands of Northern Canada
    • Greenland Plate – Supposed tectonic plate containing the Greenland craton
    • Explorer Plate – oceanic tectonic plate beneath the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada
    • Gorda Plate – One of the northern remnants of the Farallon Plate
  • Pacific Plate
    • Balmoral Reef Plate – Small tectonic plate in the south Pacific north of Fiji
    • Bird's Head Plate – Small tectonic plate incorporating the Bird's Head Peninsula, at the western end of the island of New Guinea
    • Conway Reef Plate – Small tectonic plate in the south Pacific west of Fiji
    • Eas..te.r Microplate – Very small tectonic plate to the west of Eas.ter Island
    • Galápagos Microplate – Very small tectonic plate at the Galapagos Triple Junction
    • Juan de Fuca Plate – A small tectonic plate in the e.astern North Pacific – 250,000 km2
    • Juan Fernández Plate – Very small tectonic plate in the southern Pacific Ocean
    • Kula Plate – Oceanic tectonic plate under the northern Pacific Ocean which has been subducted under the North American Plate
    • Manus Plate – Tiny tectonic plate northeast of New Guinea
    • North Bismarck Plate – Small tectonic plate in the Bismarck Sea north of New Guinea
    • North Galápagos Microplate – Small tectonic plate off the west coast of South America north of the Galapagos Islands
    • Solomon Sea Plate – Minor tectonic plate to the northwest of the Solomon Islands in the south Pacific Ocean
    • South Bismarck Plate – Small tectonic plate in the southern Bismarck Sea
  • Philippine Sea Plate
    • Mariana Plate – Small tectonic plate west of the Mariana Trench
    • Philippine Mobile Belt, also known as Philippine Microplate – Complex portion of the tectonic boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, comprising most of the country of the Philippines
  • South American Plate

Ancient continental formations[edit]

In the history of Earth many tectonic plates have come into existence and have over the intervening years either accreted onto other plates to form larger plates, rifted into smaller plates, or have been crushed by or subducted under other plates.

Ancient supercontinents[edit]

Supercontinent – Landmass comprising more than one continental core, or craton

The following list includes the supercontinents known or speculated to have existed in the Earth's past:

  • Columbia – Ancient supercontinent of approximately 2,500 to 1,500 million years ago
  • Euramerica
  • Gondwana – Neoproterozoic to Cretaceous landmass
  • Kenorland – Hypothetical Neoarchaean supercontinent from about 2.8 billion years ago
  • Laurasia – Northern supercontinent that formed part of the Pangaea supercontinent
  • Nena – Early Proterozoic supercontinent
  • Pangaea – Supercontinent from the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic eras
  • Pannotia – Hypothesized Neoproterozoic supercontinent from the end of the Precambrian
  • Proto-Laurasia
  • Rodinia – Hypothetical neoproterozoic supercontinent from between about a billion to about three quarters of a billion years ago
  • Ur – Proposed archaean supercontinent from about 3.1 billion years ago
  • Vaalbara – Archaean supercontinent from about 3.6 to 2.7 billion years ago

Ancient plates and cratons[edit]

Not all plate boundaries are easily defined, especially for ancient pieces of crust. The following list of ancient cratonsmicroplatesplatesshieldsterranes, and zones no longer exist as separate plates. Cratons are the oldest and most stable parts of the continental lithosphere and shields are the exposed area of a craton(s). Microplates are tiny tectonic plates, terranes are fragments of crustal material formed on one tectonic plate and accreted to crust lying on another plate, and zones are bands of similar rocks on a plate formed by terrane accretion or native rock formation. Terranes may or may not have originated as independent microplates: a terrane may not contain the full thickness of the lithosphere.

African Plate[edit]

Antarctic Plate[edit]

  • Bellingshausen Plate – Ancient tectonic plate that fused onto the Antarctic Plate
  • Charcot Plate – Fragment of the Phoenix tectonic plate fused to the Antarctic Peninsula
  • East Antarctic Shield, also known as East Antarctic Craton – Cratonic rock body which makes up most of the continent Antarctica
  • Phoenix Plate – Tectonic plate that existed during the mid-Jurassc through late-Cenozoic time

Eurasian Plate[edit]

  • Armorica – Microcontinent or group of continental fragments rifted away from Gondwana (France, Germany, Spain and Portugal)
  • Avalonia – Microcontinent in the Paleozoic era named for the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland (CanadaGreat Britain, and United States)
  • Baltic Plate – Ancient tectonic plate from the Cambrian to the Carboniferous Period
  • Belomorian Craton
  • Central Iberian Plate
  • Cimmerian Plate – Ancient string of microcontinents that rifted from Gondwana (AnatoliaIranAfghanistanTibetIndochina and Malaya)
  • East China Craton[citation needed]
  • East European Craton – Geology of Europe
  • Baltic Shield, also known as Fennoscandian Shield – Ancient segment of Earth's crust
  • Junggar Plate – Geographical region in Northwest China corresponding to the northern half of Xinjiang and Eas..te.rn Kazakhstan
  • Hunic plate
  • Karelian Craton – Region comprising the Scandinavian Peninsula, Finland, Karelia, and the Kola Peninsula
  • Kazakhstania – Geological region in Central Asia and the Junngar Basin in China
  • Kola Craton
  • Lhasa terrane – Fragment of crustal material, sutured to the Eurasian Plate during the Cretaceous that forms present-day southern Tibet
  • Massif Central – A highland region in the middle of Southern France
  • Moldanubian Plate – A tectonic zone in Europe formed during the Variscan or Hercynian Orogeny
  • Moravo Silesian Plate
  • Midlands Microcraton – Block of late Neoproterozoic crust which underlies the English Midlands
  • North Atlantic Craton – Archaean craton exposed in southern West Greenland, the Nain Province in Labrador, and the Lewisian complex in northwestern Scotland
  • North China Craton – continental crustal block in northeast China, Inner Mongolia, the Yellow Sea, and North Korea
  • Ossa-Morena Plate
  • Piemont-Liguria Plate – Former piece of oceanic crust that is seen as part of the Tethys Ocean
  • Proto-Alps Terrane
  • Rhenohercynian Plate – Fold belt of west and central Europe, formed during the Hercynian orogeny
  • Sarmatian Craton – The southern part of the East European Craton or Baltica, also known as Scythian Plateau
  • Saxothuringian Plate – Structural or tectonic zone in the Hercynian or Variscan orogen of central and western Europe
  • Siberian Craton – Ancient craton forming the Central Siberian Plateau
  • South Portuguese Plate
  • Tarim Craton
  • Teplá-Barrandian Terrane
  • Ukrainian Shield – The southwest shield of the East European craton
  • Valais Plate – Subducted ocean basin. Remnants found in the Alps in the North Penninic nappes.
  • Volgo-Uralian Craton
  • Yakutai Craton
  • Yangtze Craton

Indo-Australian Plate[edit]

Basic geological regions of Australia, by age
Map of chronostratigraphic divisions of India
  • Altjawarra Craton (Australia)
  • Bhandara Craton, (India)
  • Bundelkhand Craton, (India)
  • Dharwar Craton – Part of the Indian Shield in south India
  • Central Craton (Australia)
  • Curnamona Craton (Australia)
  • Gawler Craton – Province of the larger West Australian Shield in central South Australia
  • Indian Craton
  • Narooma Terrane – Geological structural region on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia
  • Pilbara Craton – Old and stable part of the continental lithosphere located in Pilbara, Western Australia
  • Singhbhum Craton (India)
  • Yilgarn Craton – Large craton that constitutes the bulk of the Western Australian land mass
  • Australian Shield, also known as Western Australian Shield – Large part of the continent of Australia
  • Zealandia – Mostly submerged mass of continental crust containing New Zealand and New Caledonia. See Moa Plate and Lord Howe Rise

North American Plate[edit]

North American cratons and basement rocks
  • Avalonia – Microcontinent in the Paleozoic era named for the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland (Canada, Great Britain, and United States)
  • Carolina Plate – exotic terrane from central Georgia to central Virginia in the United States
  • Churchill Craton – Northwest section of the Canadian Shield from southern Saskatchewan and Alberta to northern Nunavut (Canada)
  • Farallon Plate – An ancient oceanic plate that has mostly subducted under the west coast of the North American Plate (split into the Cocos, Explorer, Juan de Fuca, Gorda Plates, Nazca Plate, and Rivera Plates)
  • Florida Plate – Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Florida (United States)
  • Hearne Craton – Craton in northern Canada which, together with the Rae Craton, forms the Western Churchill Province (Canada)
  • Laurentian Craton, also known as North American Craton – A large continental craton that forms the ancient geological core of the North American continent (Canada and United States)
  • Insular Plate – Ancient oceanic plate
  • Intermontane Plate – Ancient oceanic tectonic plate on the west coast of North America about 195 million years ago
  • Izanagi Plate – Ancient tectonic plate, which was subducted beneath the Okhotsk Plate
  • Mexican Plate
  • Nain Province – Part of the North Atlantic Craton in Labrador, Canada (Canada)
  • Newfoundland Plate
  • North Atlantic Craton – Archaean craton exposed in southern West Greenland, the Nain Province in Labrador, and the Lewisian complex in northwestern Scotland
  • Nova Scotia Plate
  • Rae Craton – Archean craton in northern Canada north of the Superior Craton (Canada)
  • Sask Craton (Canada)
  • Sclavia Craton – Late Archean supercraton thought to be parental to the Slave and Wyoming Cratons in North America, the Dharwar Craton in southern India, and the Zimbabwe Craton in southern Africa (Canada)
  • Slave Craton – Archaean craton in the north-western Canadian Shield, in Northwest Territories and Nunavut (Canada)
  • Superior Craton – Large crustal block in North America (Canada)
  • Wyoming Craton – Craton in the west-central United States and western Canada (United States)

South American Plate[edit]

See also

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