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a repository

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

easter harmony of events, altar color

altar color White
Representing innocence, purity, triumph and joy, the color white is used for altar cloths and vestments during the x and Easter seasons, celebrating the birth and resurrection of Christ. White is also used during feasts of the Lord, All Saints Day and weddings. Additionally, white is the color of the Pope's daily vestments. White altar cloths are occasionally replaced with or embellished by gold.

harmony of events
 as cited in the end of matthew  26,27,28

feast of pashsover
chief priest meet at caiphas palace, the high priest
made plans to arrest jesus, didnt want to do it during the feast

jesus sat at house of simon the leper
woman w/ alabaster jar came

judas agreed to betray jesus for 30 silver coins

1st day of the feast of unleavened bread
jesus sent them to prepare a place to party
last supper took place, sang and went to mount of olives

jesus predicted peters denial
jesus and disciples went to gethesame
 he too peter and zebees two sons , told them his sorrow, told them to stay with him & watch
jesus prayed returned found 3 asleep
jesus prayed second time returned found them asleep again
prayed third time..returned are you still sleeping, the hour has come, here is the betrayer

the arrest
chief priest & judah and elders came with swords
traitor gave the signal, the man he kissed
jesus said be quick about it

one of jesus friends cut off high priests ear
jesus said put sword away, it must happen
all disciples fled, jesus arrested 
taken to high priest
peter followed,
they couldnt find evidence against jesus
jesus kept quite
they said...son of man on right hand of almighty coming on a cloud
high priest tore his clothes saying blasphemy, he is guilty must die
peter was outside, confronted & denied jesus
jesus taken in chains to pilate, the governor

judas repented took back his silver coins to sanctuary, then hung himself
chief priest picked em up said its blood money, cant go in the temple treasury
 they used the money to buy potters field, a cemetery for foreigners, field of blood this day

pilate ?s jesus, are you king of the jews. so you say, said nothing else
at passhover they usually let one go,. he asked crowd you want jesus barabbas or jesus the christ

pilate sitting in judgement hall received message from his wife said have nothing to do with innocent man

crowd chanted crucify jesus
pilate washed his hands
the crowd said let punishment be on our children & us
pilate set barabas free 

jesus was whipped, stripped . given scarlet robe, led to cross

simon from cyrne carried cross some to Golgotha place of the skull
offered him gall, nailed him to cross, divided his clothes
king of the jews

passerby's yelling save yourself, lawyers made fun of him
noon country was coverred with darkness for 3 hours jesus cried out eli, eli lamach sabachthani gave loud cry took his last breath

curtain hanging in temple torn in 2  from top to bottom, earth shook
graves opened many raised to life and went into holy city

many women looked on from a  distance
rich man Joseph of arimathrea asked for body
wrapped in new linen sheet, placed it in his own grave and rolled large stone
mary and other mary were there

next day pharisses met pilate gave orders to guard it
they put a seal on the stone left guards
after sabbath angel came down, guards were afraid. said hes not here he is risen
he in front of you in galliee you will see him
jesus said peace b with you 
they worshiped him (some doubted)

baptize in the name
teach them to obey
i will be with you always till end of age
guards told chief priests and chief priests paid guards to cover up the story

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