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Monday, September 23, 2019

Search for: GREEN ears of corn dried by the fire (1 verse)

  Leviticus 2.14:And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firstfruits unto the LORD, thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy firstfruits green ears of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears.

Search for: green ears of corn dried by the fire
(1 verse)

  Leviticus 2:14   And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firstfruits unto the LORD, thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy firstfruits green ears of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears.

Search for: call for the corn
(1 verse)

  Ezekiel 36:29   I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.

Search for: almug trees
(2 verses)

  1 Kings 10:11   And the navy also of Hiram, that brought gold from Ophir, brought in from Ophir great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones.

  1 Kings 10:12   And the king made of the almug trees pillars for the house of the LORD, and for the king's house, harps also and psalteries for singers: there came no such almug trees, nor were seen unto this day.

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