a repository

a repository

Saturday, December 28, 2019

  Ezekiel 47.12:And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.  

  Mark 5.34:And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. 

  1 Samuel 5:12   And the men that died not were smitten with the emerods: and the cry of the city went up to heaven.

  Numbers 5.2:Command the children of Israel, that they put out of the camp every leper, and every one that hath an issue, and whosoever is defiled by the dead:   

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