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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

wisdom 11 First Example: Water Punishes the Egyptians and Benefits the Israelites

6Instead of a river’s* perennial source,
troubled with impure bloode
7as a rebuke to the decree for the slaying of infants,
You gave them abundant water beyond their hope,
8after you had shown by the thirst they experienced
how you punished their adversaries.
9For when they had been tried, though only mildly chastised,f
they recognized how the wicked, condemned in anger, were being tormented.
10You tested your own people, admonishing them as a father;
but as a stern king you probed and condemned the wicked.
11Those near and far were equally afflicted:g
12for a twofold grief* took hold of themh
and a groaning at the remembrance of the ones who had departed.
13For when they heard that the cause of their own torments
was a benefit to these others, they recognized the Lord.

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