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a repository

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Judas Maccabeus appointed men to fight the garrison (paid soldier) at the citadel

stand your ground against your enemies

Then Judas went back to plunder the camp, and they took much gold and silver, cloth dyed blue and marine purple, and great treasure. 24As they returned, they were singing hymns and glorifying Heaven, “who is good, whose mercy endures forever.”c 25

Give this army into the hands of your people Israel; make them ashamed of their troops and their cavalry. 32Strike them with cowardice, weaken the boldness of their strength, and let them tremble at their own destruction. 33Strike them down by the sword of those who love you, that all who know your name may sing your praise.”
34Then they engaged in battle, and about five thousand of Lysias’ army fell in hand-to-hand fighting. 

they went to Mount Zion to purify sanctuary & rededicate it

Judas appointed men to fight the garrison (paid soldier) at the citadel 

he also appointed law abidiing priests who decided to take down the whole altar so it could never be said the heathens polluted it.
the built a new altar
made new holy dishes
put out bread and hung curtains

on the 25th day of 9th month they celebrated the rededication of the altar for 8 days
small crowns & shields were their decorations

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