a repository

a repository

Saturday, December 21, 2019

mosiah 24 2 For the Lamanites had taken possession of all these lands; therefore, the king of the Lamanites had appointed kings over all these lands.
3 And now the name of the king of the Lamanites was aLaman, being called after the name of his father; and therefore he was called king Laman. And he was king over a numerous people.
4 And he appointed ateachers of the bbrethren of Amulon in every land which was possessed by his people; and thus the clanguage of Nephi began to be taught among all the people of the Lamanites.
5 And they were a people friendly one with another; nevertheless they knew not God; neither did the brethren of Amulon teach them anything concerning the Lord their God, neither the law of Moses; nor did they teach them the words of Abinadi;
6 But they taught them that they should keep their record, and that they might write one to another.
7 And thus the Lamanites began to increase in riches, and began to atrade one with another and wax great, and began to be a cunning and a wise people, as to the wisdom of the world, yea, a very cunning people, delighting in all manner of wickedness and plunder, except it were among their own brethren.

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