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Thursday, February 20, 2020

7 seals

1st seal
 white horse & bow & crown  Conquering

2nd seal
  red horse power to bring war that men should kill each other

3rd seal  
black horse pair of scales ..do not damage olive oil & water 

4th seal
pale colored hourse, its ride named death & hades follow close
to kill with sword & famine 

5th seal 
underneath alter of souls who had been killed because they proclaimed gods word and were faithful in witnesssing. they shouted, how long. ...each given a white rode & told to rest 

6th seal
violent earthquake,
sun became black
moon like blood
stars fell outta sky
sky disappeared, rolled like a scroll
mountains & islands moved
military went into hiding 

7th seal
silence in heaven
7 angels given 7 trumpets
another angel with golden censor
smoke carried prayers up
angel took incense container and filled it with fire from altar and threw it to the earth, there was rumblings, peals of thunder and flashes of lightenings and an earthquake

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