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a repository

Monday, February 10, 2020

TITHING proven debt collection call now, PCSR AMY KUSH 570-241-9835

if you were rich would you help me?------  YOU DONT HAVE TO BE RICH TO HELP
Please love me more than MONEY  

how can you help? buy a subscription to The Scribes Scribe  -- $25-- a years worth of issues
how can you help? buy oil ---  YOUNG LIVING food grade, therapeutic  grade essential

how can you help? donate    -   PAYPAL   amartaingirl@aol.com  OR  CASHAPP  $tithesaccepted

how can you help? share posts

how can you help? like posts

I DO NOT SMOKE anything
none of your tithes and offerings will be smoked


YOU  (I) are commanded to collect & pay tithes HEBREWS 7
abraham paid tithes
if you were abrahams children you would do what abraham did
he also slaughterd kings, 
here in US we have a death penalty available AFTER due process. 

if you found yourself on the loosing side today.....paypal for indulgences.... 

we will continue to win.

you MUST show your allegiance to the TRUE PRIEST HOOD
SEND MONEY prayers AND supplications go together

we are the children of the hate group members,we are the children of the democrats
and we need help . paypal amartaingirl@aol.com

if f you do not help us, deliverance will arise someplace else, and you will DIE, as worthless individuals.

◄ Esther 4:14 ► NIV
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish.

proven debt collection  call now
proven to help get people outta jail  PCSR #bailbonds  CALL NOW  570 241 9835


in AUG 2019, the sherrif threw me out of  my bank of america mortgaged property at 258 Frederick STreet in KINGSTON, because moms cannot own property,  moms have no money. 

i lost my car insurance and everything else money can buy (cell phone, toilet paper)

people kept saying i had to sacrifice..... car insurance to be a mom

as if they knew and didnt care that moms cannot drive cars legally here

me and the baby stayed in other peoples homes .  they oppressed us 

when the baby went with his dad, i worked and made some money. i helped pay those other peoples bills for 9 months, and it didnt help my credit report at all. 

When corona was announced and my dad went nuts about me and baby wearing masks 24 a hours a day,..w went and lived in in my car . they baby spent more time with his dad  (also living in not great conditions)  and i lived outside or couch surfing  from JULY 2020.....all winter long until i found something in APR 2021

i know who helped me, i know who didnt. 

and its       #GAMEChanging Information

living outside changed me, im not the same , im hurt. scared. ptsd they tell me. 

you heard me asking for help? you didnt help me.

did you think i was gonna die out there and not know that your scummy ?


PERSONAL EMAIL amartaingirl@aol.com for Notes, memos, memes and jokes 
BUSINESS EMAIL israeloctavius@gmail.com for OIL SALES, and Legal briefs $$$$$

YOU CAN PURCHASE a news letter in either email BOX

cash app $tithesaccepted


512 Northampton ST
BOX 126
Edwardsville, PA 18704

text 5705009241
voice 5702419835

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