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Sunday, February 23, 2020

wild e corporation. war 1812 motion to go back to prelim white house emergency

  • Amy Kush from the wild e corporation. war 1812

Search for: understand the law
(1 verse)

  Nehemiah 8:7   Also Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, caused the people to understand the law: and the people stood in their place.

Search for: understand the words of the law
(1 verse)

  Nehemiah 8:13   And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.

Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania VS  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  Amy Kush, PCSR 007589
CP -40-CR-0001850-2019
Motion to Dismiss   OR    MOTION TO GO BACK TO PRELIM
Date 02/23/2020
  1. Motion to dismiss the 1 charge against me, my first, only and ever accusation. They have not shown any probable cause that a crime has been committed or that I was the one who committed it.               
  1. There's no crime for a good person to get a gun. There's not even a crime for a good upstanding citizen to get a gun off a punk gangster off the street in a time of declared national crisis.  I'm a new mom, and a responsible agent, with fiscal authority, I am PCSR, debt collector. I do not belong in your cages
  1. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/text-notice-continuation-national-emergency-respect-transnational-criminal-organizations/?fbclid=IwAR04Gg0ha_OMHhNu7Z239psrUchre-dZ0MnKd30VsuRVbeyYCyx1tbE2qiQ
  1. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-proclamation-declaring-national-emergency-concerning-southern-border-united-states/
  1.  This was not even a whole gun, this was  a partial gun, AND I was the one who called the police about it.  (no cartridge,  no rounds  ADDED POST FILING)
  1. The only reason I even tried to get a gun was out of much fear & duress because the sheriff threatened to throw me out of my house to live in the woods AND he did throw me out of my house because moms cannot own property in this county.
  1. Just saying, my dad wants me to mention that there was ALSO a slew of break-ins in Kingston around the same time I acquired Sig Sauer Mosquito.  PCSR AMY KUSH was an AGENT 499415pa  007589npn says DO NOT shoot burgulars. We Agents do NOT want to pay out medical claims.  Do Not Kill. Lock them up.
  1.  ISO equal protections for moms (and dads)
  1. They lack standing to accuse me. IF the DA believes “vaccinate your child” is good advice, THEN, the DA is a  domestic terrorist. Terrorists DO NO (T)  have jurisdiction over me. “Vaccinate your child” is Criminal advice called  18 U.S. Code § 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence. Vaccination works as intended to reduce population and is Genocide of the Americans. Vaccination to get into school is called Hazing and circumcision is called not medically necessary insurance fraudulent abuse.  Our nation is in a crisis.
  1.  Governments instituted to protect the rights of the people.  My rights were violated under the colour of their flag.  There was a Federal Civil Rights Complaint case 3-18-01483 trying to hear it, y'all never appeared.    The acting regime has hurt us enough. We were tortured before ever being convicted. We were hurt so bad, we now seek restitution, damages. SEE COUNTER CLAIM h

  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRao8TMOgHIA1T5J4oi0cZomtFfuc9ghCj27-OMDHnpqwf_rqZpcVEhyUKnW1Du-3q84vj-zJD0Nok_/pub

  3. ttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQvhmDzQY7YPdPW4-YP2kJ_Om7c4Zk2ORgC9NdrJTDE1DDkBE8pcuFE3wgfn_g3zDEkS5XnVKrwzBox/pub
  1. I did not validly waive my preliminary hearing, I was not fully briefed, disclose not met. MOTION TO DISMISS OR GO BACK TO PRELIM. My public defender never showed up, he sent in somebody young, but DA didn't show up either so nobody could do anything.  I give no permission for domestic terrorists nazi cult member gangster vaxxers to accuse me or judge me. I'm asking them to Repent and help me. Dismiss your charge. OR go back to PRELIM and ASSAULT OF INTRUDER.
  1.  Vaxxers are criminal mindsets violating the civil rights of the americans having them sit in judgement  of other scares me. I have PTSD.
  1. I am in pain and fatigued. I am suffering now (today 02/23/2020) with pain of decay of tooth # __4?_
I am in a state of duress (mental anguish) because I've suffered such painful headaches in the past. I don't want anything else injected into my head. I refused novocain and some socialists dentist won't help me. I am a  strong proponent of My body, My choice. I believe my head is my choice, and that socialist discrimination is destroying our civility and is crime, those carrying it out are criminals.
I am iso pain relief and need this decay stopped asap. Does your jail have a competent dentist that would help me??. I don't oppose your jails or your system. I do oppose bad policy.. I am a PCSR, I am a Professional Customer ServiceR . I oppose torture , fake news and violation of civil rights under the color of law.  I do NOT have dental insurance i am not under “a policy” they citing as their reasons for toture and discrimination and other bad advice solicted their under their name based on information given them from edu name.
  1. I am in pain and mental anguish because my  dentist has once again refused to help me unless I endanger my life with novacan & x ray.  I  am ISO pain relief/ dental work. Cash is my dental insurance, does cash buy good dental assistance???. We will see. ISO qualified dentist help   I do not belong in your cage.  period. I certainly do not belong in your cage for more than a week of processing, dental work, and rest. I AM NOT A FELON. Drop your Felony charge and put back the  MIS D assault if your want, let's go back to prelim if you want
I have fought with dentists before and wilkes barre police responded and escorted me out of a dentist's office in nepa. Socialist healthcare sucks.  ISO an end to the socialist crime spree. ISO swamp draining. Iso dental help, iso pain relief, ISO Equal protection for Moms and Dads
  1. I do NOT belong in jail.  AT AL .. I've committed no offense against the law. I am not a felon. This is NOT a plea out to a felony.  This is an Request for you to drop your felony Then in an attempt this resolve this matter and in a good faith effort to attempt to resolve several disputes, the following offer is being laid out and is negotiable AND is only valid if your DA is NOT a terrorist. (a vaccinator)
 A.  offer of 1 week in jail  with 1 tooth repaired w/o novocaine, guaranteed
 B.  After 1 week I will be released & given my house back.
                                                                              258 frederick street kingston, or other similar location.
C.  Equal protections for MOMS and DADS so we can pay
D.  Enforce the moratorium which demands they cease & desist vaccinations & circumcisions on bodies not their own.
If you would like to discuss this offer, please call me 570-690-8647 AMY KUSH my lines of authority were property, casualty, life, accident & health. Our streets may be safer today because of me getting a gun off you who know who.  But in no way does that say our streets are safe.  As long as vaccines & novocain are on our streets, they are not safe, people in danger of fake news & bad advice. IF YOUR DA IS A VAXXER, a proponent of  the criminal regime, this is not to be construed as an offer/ negotiation and is null and void as is his felony accusation.
Amy Kush
512 Northampton St BOX 126
Edwardsville, PA 18704
570 241 9835

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