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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Search for: brasen grate of network under the compass
(1 verse)

  Exodus 38:4   And he made for the altar a brasen grate of network under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it.

A Message from the Book of Mormon
Helaman8.1 And now it came to pass that when Nephi had said these words, behold, there were men who were judges, who also belonged to the secret band of Gadianton, and they were angry, and they cried out against him, saying unto the people: Why do ye not seize upon this man and bring him forth, that he may be condemned according to the crime which he has done?
2 Why seest thou this man, and hearest him revile against this people and against our law?
3 For behold, Nephi had spoken unto them concerning the corruptness of their law;

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