Romans 1 and Romans 2.
The following is a summary, of these 2 chapters.
ROMANs 1 Amy Version
Paul, a servant of JESUS (who is the right God). Seperated (called
out), 2 which he promised concerning JESUS...who was declared to be the
son of god
By whom we have received Grace & apostleship for OUR Obedience
.6 ye are also called of Jesus
.7 to all that be in ROME....Called to be saints (but dont answer, (dont listen) (dont obey)
.8 first, thank god
.9 god is my witness, i serve with spirit the gospel of his son
.11 i long to see you to impart some magical super power by my presence give you a spiritual the end that ye may be established
.13 that i may be comforted with you (in disease) . ive been trying to get to you , but didnt make it.
.14 i am a debtor like many, both to greeks and barbarians
.15 i am ready to preach the gospel to you people at Rome
.16i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ, it is the power of God.....
to the jew first (law practice / perfector) and also to the greeks(what law, im under grace)
.17 for their in is the righteousness of god revealed...from faith to faith (name to name)
wrath of god is revealed from heave against all ungodliness &
unrighteousness of men who held the truth in unrighteousness. (by telling everybody jesus is the third part of a trinity)
.20 invisible things are clearly seen, there is no excuse for your nonsense.
.21 because the catholics knew jesus was god, but glorified him not as god, and lightly esteemed him as a son.
their vain & foolish hearts are darkened, they changed the glory of god into image .23 a corruptible MAN (rather than the HOLY thing He was)
god gave the catholics up to unclean lusts of their own evil hearts
because they changed the truth of god into a lie ( he is NOT a trinty,
does not share his glory, the savior IS god)
god gave them, over to VILE affections (perverts) .27 many are gay and sick..28 god gave them over to reprobate mind to do stupid shit all day. they are .29 filled with all unrighteousness .31 without understanding, covenant breakers, .32 WORTHY OF DEATH (saith the law)
.2You are INEXCUSABLE, you judge (you trinity believing judge) . your condemning yourself,,and
we are SURE that the judgement of God according the TRUTH is against
people who commit such things..3 thinkest thou this, that judges and
does the same, do You think YOU will escape?
.4 or You who
DESPISE the Federal Reserve and forbearance of debt? .5 but after the
hardness of your heart you treasure up to yourselfs wrath (by wanting to
kill people and you being bad yourselfs)
Jail IS mercy when you deserve death.
the Law was perfect, DAVID was NOT
the Law was perfect, Solomon was NOT
.7to them, by the patience (of death row) continued in well doing seek for glory & immortality.
to them that CONTEND but do NOT OBEY (the truth/law).....and instead
obey unrighteousness ...INDIGNATION & WRATH, Tribulation &
Anguish..upon every man that DOeth Evil. .9 to the jew first, then to
the gentile.
glory , honor & peace to the man the worketh good and obey the
law..jew first and then gentile. .11 god is no respector of persons,
.12 as many as sin without the law in ignorance shall die
(because the law is still good, and if you walk in it, you will live)
if they sinned IN the LAW they will be judged BY the law still in effect.
DOERS of the law shall be justified.
if the gentiles dont have the law enforced upon them by gun...but
manage to read the book on their own or do by nature obey the
law.....they become a law standard to themselves. they show the work of
the law in their hearts and their conscious bears witness thats its Ok to obey the law.
.15their thoughts are accusing AND excusing people..just like God.
.16 in that day, god will judge the secrets of men by jesus
behold those that are called a jew and rest in the law, boast of god, ,
know his will, approveth things which are more excellent and are
confident thou art a guide to the blind a light to them in the
darkness.22 thou has a FORM of say dont sin, but do YOU
the name of God is Blasphemed because of you trintarians.
.25 circumcision profiteth if you keep the law, if you sin you maimed your children for nothing.26 if you keep the righteousness of the law, your uncircumcision will county as circumcision.27 being a real jew is NOT an outward fleshly thing, but inwardly, that of the heart and the spirit
Federal Reserve Board is issuing this letter to you with
respect to your tenure as Chair of the board of directors of
Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) from 2010 to 2016. As Chair, it
was your responsibility to lead the WFC board in its oversight
of the firm’s business and operations. With respect to that
responsibility, it was incumbent upon you as leader of the WFC
board to ensure that the business strategies approved by the
board were consistent with the risk management capabilities of
the firm. It was also incumbent on you to ensure that the
WFC board had sufficient information to carry out its
responsibilities. In the past year and a half, it has emerged
that there were many pervasive and serious compliance and conduct
failures ongoing during your tenure as Chair. These include
the sales practices that led to the issuance of the Consent
Orders from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2016. Due to the scope and
severity of these compliance and conduct failures, the Federal
Reserve Board has also issued a cease-anddesist order (“Order”)
against WFC requiring, among other things, that WFC strengthen
board oversight of the firm and senior management. The Order
also imposes limits on WFC’s growth until substantial progress on
implementing the requirements of the Order has been achieved.
The Order is addressed to the current WFC board. However, the
Board is issuing this letter to you because of your role as
Chair during the time period many of these problems occurred.
WFC pursued business strategies and goals that motivated
compliance violations and improper practices without ensuring its
risk management programs were sufficiently robust to prevent such
behavior. In short, appropriate and timely action was not taken
and the compliance and conduct failures continued. In addition,
according to the April 10, 2017, Sales Practices Investigation
Report (Report), you were aware of specific sales practice
problems over the years in your management capacity at the
firm. However, as Chair, you did not ensure that the full
board received detailed and timely reporting from senior
management. Moreover, you did not appear to initiate any serious
investigation or inquiry into the sales practices issues (or any
other compliance issues that you may have been aware of at the
time) or put a proposal to do so to the WFC board. You also
continued to support the sales goals that were a major cause
of the problem, and the senior executives who were most
responsible for the failures, and, as detailed in the Report, you
resisted attempts by other directors to hold executives
accountable even when the other directors had become aware of the
seriousness of the compliance and conduct issues. The Federal
Reserve Board has been troubled by the sales practice abuses at
WFC, and the ongoing disclosures of misconduct in other areas.
In particular, your performance in addressing these problems is an
example of ineffective oversight that is not consistent with
the Federal Reserve’s expectations for a firm of WFC’s size and
scope of operations. Sincerely, /s/ M
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