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Friday, May 8, 2020

socialist nazism

eric sells product to kyle, kyle dies. eric goes to jail .pharmacist sells zantac to person, person dies. pharmacist must needs to go to jail 4 to 11 years. its not that hard people. lock them up , all lives matter.
  • Amy Kush for every vaxxer nurse you put in jail... hundreds of childrens lives are saved
    • Amy Kush it is a win win win. arresting vaxxer nurses is a WIN
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  • Amy Kush i was a cashier at kmart. i sold you harmful flouride toothpaste, your body your choice. free eric. nobody forced kyle into shit
  • Lorene Obergfell Don't you think it should be the pharmaceutical company to be responsible for the death?? I mean in your first example, I would guess those would be illegal transactions?? The pharmacist one is not.
    • Amy Kush i think kyle is responsible for his own death. .
    • Amy Kush eric owes tax on his sale
    • Amy Kush who holds the keys to death???? its not eric??
    • Amy Kush wheres the arrest in my mothers death???? all lives matter
    • Lorene Obergfell Kyle is responsible for his own choices. Period.
    • Amy Kush eric owes tax. sales tax.
    • Amy Kush all sales lawful in the land of the free??? your body your choice . #options
    • Amy Kush what if the devil is a socialist, and wants you to sell nothing (to him) he just wants it for nothing from enslaved elves
    • Amy Kush 2 Corinthians 8:13 ► For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened:

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