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a repository

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

to thyatira

to thyatira
this is what the son of god says   (whose eyes are like flame of fire, feet like brass)

i know your works, charity, service, faith and patience and works  and the last be more than first

i have a few things against the because you suffer jezebel to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols

behold i will cast her into a bed  and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except the repent

i will kill her children with death

and the church will know that i am he who searches the reins and hearts

i will give to you according to your works

but to the rest of you that dont know the depths of satan, i will put no other burden
but that what you have already
hold fast till i come

he that overcommeth and keeps my works till the end
i will give power over the nations
to rule with a rod of iron

they shall be broken to shivers even as i received of my father

 i will give him the morning star

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