a repository

a repository

Thursday, June 18, 2020

  Haggai 2.9:The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.   


  Isaiah 66.19:And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.

  Jeremiah 2.11:Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. 

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