a repository

a repository

Friday, July 24, 2020

parent rights ss

jake did i sent you this already?
did you get my voice message?
the termination of parental rights of addicts is horrible idea.  cause if addict dies
child might be getting screwed outta dead worker sss benefits

robbed under the age of consent

are you with us or them?
please call me tomo 5706908647

choose today who you gonna help by your works


the question tho i was gonnas ask was
since its nazis who signed off on drug war indictments......must we (or rather can we) indict them or do they get immunity ?
if not how do we get their names and addresses

we are only a few  members short of a grand jury over here to indict the vaxxer nurses and doctors.  and take all their stuff with civil asset forfeiture, it should be hard to get ahold a vacant house in this town

these nazis would rather it sit vacant them let moms in there;  wtf dude?

iso KEYS

the legal  aid from the crime  family who ran off was a vaxxer

jake and his baby need a safe place
me and my baby need a safe place

iso equal protections

i received papers from CEO
and its seems just be a  PHISHING SCAM they dont help moms...

Amy Z israeloctavius@gmail.com

 casting lots

will the addict die...before child turns  18...chances are if they went to first hospital the answer is yes

robbed under the age of consent

10:36 PM (5 minutes ago)

to bcc: Jake, bcc: Dave, bcc: ryan.foy, bcc: Joanna, bcc: cmunley, bcc: zimmerman

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