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Saturday, January 9, 2021

light quotes

Search for: saints in light

(1 verse)

Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:'

2 esdras 14.25 this message is also available ...in audio version. ..read to you, by me, on my youtube channel amartaingirl 

1 john 2.10 2 corin 4.6 2 esdras 7.97 2 esdras 1.14 2 esdrsas 2.35 2 mac 1.32 wisdom 18.1 sirach 24.27 2 corin 4.4 2 corin 6.34 eph 5.8 eph 5.9 eph 5.14 i thess 5.5 ecc 2.13 isa 49.6 isia 58.8 isai 60.1 job 38.15 ps 43.3 isa 60.3 psl 104.2 proverbs 6.23 ps 97.11 ps 76.4 ps 119.130 2 corin 11.14 wisdom 16 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Wisdom%2016&version=GNT

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