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Friday, February 12, 2021

news headlines in progress / sharpen your journalism skills / submit a biblical news headline

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news headlines in progress / sharpen your journalism skills / submit a  biblical news headline  

14,700 DEAD in PLAGUE-  Numbers 16.49

  Numbers 16:49   Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah.


here the ground opened up and and ate korah and his gang after offerring strange incense

.news GROUND opens up swallows Korah and his Gang.    Numbers 16.32

num 16.29 if these die an ordinary death, merely suffering the fate common to all humanity, the LORD has not sent me.
30But if the LORD makes a chasm, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them with all belonging to them, and they go down alive to Sheol,* then you will know that these men have spurned the LORD.”
31d No sooner had he finished saying all this than the ground beneath them split open,
32and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their families and all of Korah’s people* with all their possessions.

 comment, email, text, call, whatever

iso biblically accurate shocking AND FUNNY news headlines 

  DAVIDS kills a GIANT in the city square

JESUS innocent before pilate/
governor finds jesus innocent, romans kill him anyway

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