a repository

a repository

Monday, August 2, 2021

the scribes scribe

 The Scribes Scribe, a monthly newsletter, published by me, was originally created with the intent to get the word of God to the prisoners who needed to hear it. Unfortunately, the Warden rejected the incoming mail for various reasons like coloured ink and printing on both sides. The LCCF warden stock piled all my newsletters over months and returned them to me. At nearly .50 cents each to mail he caused me to waste a substantial amount of money in postage and the words of God still hadnt reached its target market. The backload that was returned to me was then distributed to local addicts and others in recovery, while the paper was redesigned to satisfy the warden, who is not the chaplain. I am pleased to announce the The Scribes Scribe is ready again for printing. PLEASE BUY A SUBSCRIPTION TO HELP ME $25 a year. (13 editions)

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