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Sunday, September 16, 2018

pslam titles

 hardly a secret, but not all bibles have it so its a secret i guess

psalm titles

1. two path, reject the advice of the wicked

2. messianic dream - given nation as birthright

3. the morning prayer of the upright in persecution

4. evening prayer

5. morning prayer

6. in time of trial

7. for the upright in persecution

8. power of gods name

PSLAM 9.  thanksgiving

10. strike the wicked

11. confidence of the upright

12. against a treacherous world

13. confident appeal

14. the fate of the godless

15. guest of JESUS

16. jesus is my heritage

17. the plea of the innocent

PSALM 18. a KINGS thanksgiving

19 Jesus, son of saving JUSTICE

20. prayer for the king

21. for a coronation ceremony

22 suffering & hope of the upright

23. solemn entry into the sanctuary

24 the good shephed

25. prayer in danger

26. prayer of the blameless

27 in gods company there is no fear

PSALM 28 petition to thanksgiving

29. hymn to the lord of the storm

PSLAM 30. thanksgiving after mortal danger

31 prayer in time of ordeal

32. candid admission of sin

33 hymn to providence

34 in praise of gods justice

35. prayer of the virtous in persecution

36 perversity of sinners, benevolence of god

37. fate of the upright and of the wicked

38 in distress

39. of human beings

40. song of praise, prayer for help

41. sufferer

42 & 43 levite in exile

44 national lament

45. royal wedding song

46. god is with us

47. jesus king of israel, king of the world

48 zion the mountain of God

49 futility of wealth

50. worship in spirit AND truth

51 prayer for contritiion

52. fate of cynics

53. fate of godless

54. appeal of god. the judges judge

55 prayer when slandered

56 trust in god

57 among ferocious enemies

58. the judge of earthly judges

59. against the wicked

60. national prayer of defeat

61. prayer of exile

62 hope in god alone

63 yearning for god

64. punishment for slanderers

PSLAM 65, thanksgiving hymn

PSALM 66. corporate thanksgiving prayer

67.harvest song

68. an epic of israels glory

69. lament

70. cry of distress

71 prayer in old age

72. the promised king

73 triumph of jusrice

74 lament temple

75 universal judge

76 awe inspiring kingdon

77 meditation on israels past

78 lessons of israelite history

79 national lament

80 prayer for restotaration of israel

81 feast of shelters

82. against the judge of the nation

83 against the enemies of israel

84 pilgrimmage song

85 prayer for peace & justice

86 in time of trial

87 zion, mother of natons

88 prayer in great distress

89 hymn to god

90 human fraility

91 under gods protection

92 song of upright

93 majesty of god

94 god of justice

95 invitation to praise

96 jesus king & judge

97 the lord reigns

98  judges of the world

99 god the upright & holy king

100  grateful praise

101  the ideal ruler

102 in misfortune

103 god is love

104 of creation

105  wonderful history of israel

106 national confession of guilt

107  god a refuge in every danger

108 morning hymn & national prayer

109  people hate me

110 priest

111 in praise of gods deeds

112 praise of upright

113 glory & mercy

114 passover hymn

115 one true god

PSALM 116 thanksgiving

117 summons to praise

118 feast of shelters

119 in praise of divine law

120 enemies of peace

121 guarding of israel

122 hail, jerusalem

123 prayer in distresst

124 savior of israel

125 god protects his faithful

126 song of returning exiles

127 trust in providence

128 blessing of the faithful

129 against zions enemies

130 out of depths

131 child like trust

132 transfer of the ark

133 brotherly love

134 evening litery

135 hymn of praise

PSALM 136 littany of thanksgiving

137 song of exiles

PSLAM 138 hymn of thanksgiving

139 gods omni

140 against the wicked

141 evil

142 in persecution

143 humble entreaty

144 war & victory

145 praise to jesus the king

146 praise to god of help

147 all powerful

148 cosmic hymn of praise

149 song of triumph

150 final chorus of praise

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