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Sunday, September 12, 2021

workmans comp

 IF your workplace encourages the flushot, and your now sick...APPLY FOR WORKMANS COMP. thats a workplace injury.


Occupational Disease

  • Temporary total disability payments – An amputation injury or the loss of a limb is considered a catastrophic injury. Most employees who suffer an amputation injury will miss time from work. You are entitled to replacement income for these lost wages.
  • Temporary partial disability payments – Following the loss of a limb, you will likely be restricted to light duty work. The more physically demanding your job at the time of injury, the greater the likelihood that you will be unable to return to that job. If you do return to work, but make less because of your amputation, you may be entitled to these benefits to make up some of the wage loss.
  • Permanent partial disability payments – As we discuss below, you will be entitled to compensation for your permanent impairment and loss of use of the affected body part. The amount of these benefits depends on many factors.
  • Permanent total disability payments – If you injure two or more body parts in the same accident, or if you lose one limb and then suffer impairment to the other due to compensation, you may be entitled to wage loss benefits for the remainder of your life.
  • Medical treatment – You are entitled to the payment of lifetime medical expenses, including prostheses, replacement prostheses, rehabilitation, and pain medication, for your loss of limb. You may also be entitled to medical care for depression or PTSD related to the accident that resulted in your loss of limb.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation – Many amputees want to get back to work, but need help learning new job skills since their old job is no longer available. These benefits are available under the Workers’ Compensation Act.
  • Lump Sum Workers’ Compensation Settlement – We have negotiated settlement for many amputees.

for other than 8th day circumcision, the charges are MAIMING 
18 U.S. Code § 2332b. Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries

Schedule Loss of Use Award
Schedule Loss of Use Award

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