a repository

a repository

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Scribes Scribe

 Author, Editor and layout of a small publication called The Scribes Scribe
The single sheet paper, folded in half was printed in color on both sides and was full of bible quotes and art
Originally created as way to reach prisoners,   unfortunately, the local prison warden rejected them for various reasons and they were returned to me, and the street distribution to addicts began,

The Scribes Scribe has  been in print since 2018

this website  WHERE SCIENCE MEETS RELIGION dot BLOGSPOT dot COM is now considered the ONLINE version of such publication. 

and is designed to be a  QUICK reference for YOU AND ME 
for all topics biblical and constitutional 

 The schedule for study is 
THURSDAY           TALE OF BRICKS,studys of WALLS, MORTAR, Temple Blueprints BLUE LIVES
FRIDAY                 Whores Anonymous 12 steps in UNbecomming an Idolatry Whore
SAT                         Book of Mormon
 SUNDAY                KJV the Law 

you can help by BUYING a subcription $50 for two years.  
comes 13 editions (the first year) all in one envelope.  then monthly for the second year.
email   AMARTAINGIRL@aol.com

paypal or cash app

ALSO FOR SALE 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

im selling information, step by step instructions. a list of items you will need. to HEAL (that race to the CURE has been WON and you lost.)the information is available to you for $$$$$ today. this is not magic you pay me $$$$$ and your healed. your buying information . YOU will need to gather the items on the list and heal yourself. most of house hold items you already have or are food stamp items. the cost of healing is very expensive, estimate cost of the medicine is appx $500 but having this information is worth it, will save you thousands on trials

its like im giving you a prescription, but you have no drug coverage.

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