a repository

a repository

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


  1 Samuel 18:7   And the women answered one another as they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.  
whats is WRONG???????. why is it life soo great for anchor babies from immigrants... but soo bad for american moms. 
Does anybody want to talk. i am not a girl who would get an abortion right now.....but.......but i am also not a girl who judges you who did or would
i can show you other options.
i have said..those who aborted their children were more humane than those who birthed & vaccinated. 
 i am the the girl that is PRO SELL your unwanted children to good people who wont eat them......... 

notice the pic below (deleted)....top girl...in fear of another girl.....an older girl....her mom. ,,,,,,over a pregnancy test,,
i am the girl who doesnt want young women or men feel like they have to kill their own offspring  to survive in this world
i am the PCSR insurance lady who values everything, even LIFE

my lines of Authority were in Life, Accident, Health, Property & Casualty 

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