a repository

a repository

Friday, November 26, 2021


 OPENING FIRE. a. You may open fire only if you, friendly forces or persons or property under your protection are threatened with deadly force. 

This means: (1) You may open fire against an individual who fires or aims his weapon at, or otherwise demonstrates an intent to imminently attack, you, friendly forces, or Persons with Designated Special Status (PDSS) or property with designated special status under your protection.

 (2) You may open fire against an individual who plants, throws, or prepares to throw, an explosive or incendiary device at, or otherwise demonstrates an intent to imminently attack you, friendly forces, PDSS or property with designated special status under your protection.

 (3) You may open fire against an individual deliberately driving a vehicle at you, friendly forces, or PDSS or property with designated special status.

 b. You may also fire against an individual who attempts to take possession of friendly force weapons, ammunition, or property with designated special status, and there is no way of avoiding this. c. You may use minimum force, including opening fire, against an individual who unlawfully commits or is about to commit an act which endangers life, in circumstances where there is no other way to prevent the act. MINIMUM FORCE. a. If you have to open fire, you must: - Fire only aimed shots; and - Fire no more rounds than necessary; and - Take all reasonable efforts not to unnecessarily destroy property; and - Stop firing as soon as the situation permits. b. You may not intentionally attack civilians, or property that is exclusively civilian or religious in character, except if the property is being use

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