There's no special laws for car owners
There's no special law for poor people
There's no special laws for rich people
Do not curse the judge ex. 22.27
In capital cases, whoever called for aquittal...shall not later argue for condemnation Ex 23.2
(Get it right the first time) (No change ur mind)
Levi 19.15 equal impartiality
Levi 19.15 no iniquitous decisions . No favorites. No bribes
Deut 1.17
Do not be afraid of a bad man when trying the case
Deut 16.18
Make sure every community has judges and officers
This is a reading for Passover but it's so disturbing I put it in Halloween. Jeremiah the prophet made this a lament for king josiah who was shot by the cops (men with weapons, archers)
It's 2 Chronicles 35
And I counted 34, 200 animals slaughtered in this on chapter.
How many did you count?
I think it's a great Halloween reading because all the blood and there's a cauldron pot they start cooking some of this meat and then the cops shoot the guy and they bury him in the tombs