a repository

a repository

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

legal brief cc

Dear your Honor,

I just got off the phone with Michael Gruin, who had been ignoring my calls I felt, whom also never sent any paper work that he said he would send on the high frequency torture device he wanted installed in my home, though todays phone call we never mentioned it.

Todays phone call we discussed rate and my desire to pay a fair rate, and specifically a ministry rate, as I am about to funnel a prisoner thru here and other homeless people have been known to shower here and having bible study here other people be flushing my toilet using my water. Surely, I feel at least equal to the people working for profit.

Mike is checking on ways to get me a better deal in price and says we need to speak to you Judge, about spreading this better deal all over town. The other thing we talked about, regarding whats needed to resolve this complaint what I want from a utility company is the promise to keep it flowing. To end the acts of war, (end civil war ) to stop em (before we stop em) the foot soldiers they send out to carry out the act of war on Americans by Americans called blockade.

Michael did not want to seem to stop the war /act of war/blockade. He did not to protect his workers if he wants to send them into the war. Its not protecting them, its endangering them as the oppressed Americans refuse to take it anymore, and carry out the law that God prescribed.

  Jesus upheld the law of Moses with the adulterous woman, he clarified who should throw that first stone. I dont want to see your guys get hurt, I don’t want to have to hurt your guys, But I just cant let you OPPRESS me anymore. . I dont have a gun, but I am told I can and should protect myself and my family from any enemy foreign or domestic. I urge you to call off the war, your part in the war games, promise to keep water flowing, clean, put people first, not money. We need to fund everybody, tax everybody, discount everybody. Because my desire to pay a fair rate cant even be achieved until I first receive one. Fund everybody FUND MOM & DADs who pull that duty.

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