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Monday, August 21, 2017

Gird Up Yer Loins

moon ball in front of sun....we is walking in the moon light, cooler light

job 40.7 gird up thy loins
deut 23.13 paddle upon the weapon to dig poop holes
1 sam 13.19 speak control
ezekiel 30.24 put a sword in the King of Babylons hand
josh 1.14  ARMED
Judges 18.11 Weapons of War

KEEP Munitions
Exodus 19.13
Job 31  9,10,11
Job 20.24???  He shall flee from the iron weapon ( SYRINGE???)
Jer 22.7  destroy his weapons
Deut 1.41*...we will go up and fight according to all that the Lord our God commanded us, everyman girded with his weapons of war.
I same 17.50   David DID NOT HAVE A GUN

David Thew a Stone, Just saying didnt use a gun
Ez 39.10 burn weapons with fire
Gen 26.3
deut 3.18 passover armed
Levi 22.16

kings 20.11 disarm

Luke 11.22

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